Dear User!
Unfortunately, we can't help you resolve your issue as this STM (Swarna Type Manager) program has been discontinued by the developer and its web site is not available anymore.
Yes STM is a big hit from Debraj's House of Swarna Type manager (S.T.M.). It is very very popular in W.B. In almost every writing/publication/designing S.O.H.O. user and others = this is a must have software. But actually, It was available on Net some months ago. Hardware mechanics/software providers are waiting for the time. They grab the opportunity and now they are getting their return. It has a problem. In original version you have the REAL Auto Font Change (with font size and font name - all changed with press of a key!!! Really!!). But in pirated version it is not working at all. Not only that STM's hand-by-hand brother our another very popular Perfect Typist (with dongle lock = I like it very much) is lagging behind in this area (specially/But others O.K.). Their AFC is good for nothing. just for show. Long Live STM (and Perfect Typist also).It is not now available on net. Last time I found it on mediafire. But lost.I am now (daily 8 hrs must) in Windows 7 (S P 1) Platform. So I need it very very much. But dont want to get stuck in the yearly AMC contract of the Devraj's STM House as per their so called business - first policy. I now (kam chalao obostha) using Perfect Typist. Although the both are same priced (But locking!!! = Perfect Typist is the best one BUT in AFC = STM is the best, if you have to multilingual job (Bng/Eng/Hindi) using perfect typist = your are in big trouble. Yes - They know only business, Business, Business. They are doing what type of business? They provide dongle but you are not able to shift from one machine to another one. (Not in case of Perfect Typist with which you can write in the same age old Samit_Atm_ and others so popular fonts). Hope for the good one that in near future STM_Version_4 with dongle crack for Windows 7/8 will comes to us. Thanks
Unfortunately, we can't help you resolve your issue as this STM (Swarna Type Manager) program has been discontinued by the developer and its web site is not available anymore.